Arushi Kaur Ahluwalia
About Candidate
Arushi Kaur AhluwaliaTo work in an organization thatprovides me with an opportunity forgrowth, learning and developmentthat could help me to achieve mypersonal as well as organizationalgoals in which I can utilize myknowledge, experience and personalskills towards the development of thecompany.Name of Company: HDFC Sales Pvt LTD
Work & Experience
Job role: Responsible for apparasing financial credibility of customer to check their repayment capacity/Filteration of files that cannot beprocessed for further approvalBrief description about work: Checking of overall profile of customersincluding their banking habbits, earning and expenses, familybackground, nature of company in which they are working currently, past experiences, present liabilities if any(loans and advances), age, property being purchased(whether approved or not)Being liason between customers and sanction authorities and followingup post documentation and analysis for status updates, also be in touch with field sales executives